All Colours of Aquarium Plants

A home aquarium, like a natural body of water, can become a home not only for fish and crustaceans, but also for many aquatic plants. Here they perform a number of important functions: they do not allow algae to multiply, absorb nitrogenous compounds, and also saturate the container with oxygen. Plants are the "lungs" of any artificial reservoir, shelter and protection for its inhabitants, as well as an excellent decoration that can diversify the landscape and add bright colors to it. Often novice aquarists underestimate the importance of living plants, they believe that caring for greenery will take too much time and effort. Fortunately, many aquarium plants are easy to care for and do not require special maintenance conditions. We bring to your attention the top 10 most unpretentious aquarium plants that will help you create your own underwater garden without much difficulty. Anubias are common among hobbyists, primarily due to the low requirements for keeping conditions. Anubias is a shade-tolerant plant; for its cultivation, powerful lamps and additional  All Colours of Aquarium Plants supply of CO2 are not required. One of the attractive features of Anubias is that there is absolutely no need to plant the plant in the ground. On the contrary, it is strictly forbidden to bury the fleshy rhizome of Anubias in the ground. The plant can be fixed on snags, stones, decorations. There are large and dwarf forms. Due to its very hard leaves, it is practically the only species that is able to withstand the onslaught of many cichlids and goldfish, therefore it can often be found in aquariums with such fish. Javanese moss is the most common aquarium moss. Due to its unpretentiousness and rapid growth, it is used by both amateurs and professionals. Its openwork leaves, resembling a tree crown from a distance, are actively used in the design of artificial reservoirs, as well as in the arrangement of spawning aquariums. The moss is placed on the bottom so that the eggs do not go to the newly-made parents for lunch. Javanese moss stems can reach 17 centimeters in length and are covered with miniature (no more than 2 mm in length) light green jagged leaves. With the help of rhizoids, barely visible to the eye, it is attached to almost any surface - the plant does not need to be planted in the ground. This type of moss thrives at a temperature of 22-27 ° C, in water with a hardness of 2-15 dGH and a pH level of 6.0-7.5. Rapid growth is stimulated by lighting and additional CO2 input. Javanese moss leaves love clean water - the suspension can settle on the surface of the plant, clogging the pores and interfering with the flow of nutrients. Therefore, filtering Javanese moss tanks is a must. For reproduction, a moss colony should be divided into parts and relocated to a new place. Also, experts recommend periodically thinning the thickets and removing the branches on which the algae have settled - in this case, the green carpet will look more well-groomed. Another frequent visitor to beginners' aquariums is elodea. Its lush green shoots grow quickly (especially with sufficient light and CO2 supply) and are great for the first start-up of the aquarium. Long, highly branched stems with pointed green leaves are eye-catching and provide a safe hiding place for shy and wary fish. In addition, Elodea is an effective natural filter that cleans water from significant contaminants. The homeland of most varieties of Elodea is North America, so it is not used to very warm water, when overheated, growth slows down and well-being worsens. The optimum temperature for its growth is 16-24 ° С with occasional drops to 12 ° С. But the plant quite easily tolerates both soft and hard water, it can exist without fixing in the ground. Rapid growth makes elodea tend to displace other plant species from the aquarium, so its abundance must be controlled and, if necessary, removed. In the process of pruning, it is recommended to plant the plant in a separate container, because its juice contains substances that can be dangerous to the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium. The long stems of hornwort, covered with needle-shaped leaves, quickly spread throughout the container, so the plant is well suited for starting up the aquarium and adjusting the biological balance in it. In nature, it grows in stagnant water at a depth of up to 9 meters, and therefore feels comfortable in almost any conditions.


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