Free classifieds in East Asembo

Sales Limit and Free Ads Quota EBay limits are designed to help budding sellers navigate the marketplace, build a positive sales story, meet customer expectations, and lay a solid foundation for new business. All new eBay sellers have a sales cap and a free listing quota. The sales limit for aspiring eBay sellers is 10 items totaling $ 500 per month. This means that you can list no more than 10 items for a total of $ 500 per month. This is the standard limit for all new eBay sellers. The sales limit is valid depending on what was exhausted in the first place - the number of items displayed or the total amount of prices in active ads. Example: you have placed 2 ads on one of them contains 1 item, the second contains 9 items of item. Thus, you have exhausted the monthly sales limit for the number of items displayed. Each item in the ad is counted. If at the end of the month you have at least one active ad, the products in it will be counted towards the sales limit for the next month. If you have exceeded the set limit during a calendar month, you will not be able to post additional product a Free classifieds in East Asembo ds, increase the price or add products to the ad until one of the active ads expires, or until the quantity decreases in the ad where the products several. To see what sales limit is set for you: After reaching the limit, you should not use other accounts for sales or create new ones. This violates eBay rules. All of your accounts may be suspended indefinitely. If you have reached the limit, you can submit a request to raise the limit for your account and we will review it. In addition, on a monthly basis we monitor the performance of your work and can gradually increase your limit on the number of products sold and their total cost. The free classifieds per month quota is not tied to the sales limit for the account. If you are registered with, you can post 200 listings per month for free. This means that no listing fees will be charged for these ads. All ads placed in excess of this quota will be charged.


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